1. Do you offer one time purchases? Yes! You can purchase any of our boxes as a one time purchase or choose a subscription plan.
  2. What are the subscription plan choices? We offer a monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly subscription.
  3. As a subscriber, do I have to order the same box each time or can I mix it up? Although the subscriptions are set up for one particular box at a time, we can accommodate a change as long as we know at least 48 hours prior to when boxes ship. Send an email to berrybookish@outlook.com with your request.
  4. When do the boxes ship out? All subscription plan boxes ship out on the 1st of each month. One time purchases of any box will ship out within 48 hours of purchase. 
  5. What if my box is a gift and I need it earlier than the scheduled shipment? Special requests for earlier shipments can be sent via email to berrybookish@outlook.com and we will accommodate to the best of our ability.
  6. Can I unsubscribe at any time? Yes
  7. Can I order past subscription boxes? Previous books are listed on our Berry Bookstore, and a box can be prepared with any book per request.  
  8. Do you sell books only, or do I have to order the entire box? Yes, you can see a list of books for sale under the Berry Bookstore tab on our website.